7 Hidden Sources of Gluten that my Surprise You

hidden gluten

Gluten free diets have been considered a fad to some, but for those with severe gut issues or autoimmune conditions, it’s a lifestyle and necessity.

Why avoid gluten? 

A component of gluten found in grains is called gliadin. Gliadin is a very sticky protein and once it crosses the gut barrier, can cause irritation in the gut lining. Inflammation caused by these fragments causes leaky gut, allowing other toxins and food particles to enter the blood stream. This further activates the immune system, causing a vicious cycle of inflammation and gut-barrier damage, and is why the gluten-containing grains (wheat, barley, and rye) are typically the most problematic for those with gut issues or autoimmune disease. 

Hidden Sources of Gluten

Gluten can hide in many places that you may not think, making it even more difficult for those that are following a strict gluten-free lifestyle. It’s important to know where to look for hidden gluten so you don’t harm yourself and then wonder what you ate to cause a reaction or autoimmune flare. Hidden gluten can be found when multiple things are put together to make one food. This makes it difficult when you’re reading the label, but if you know what to look for, you’ll know what you can have and what you can’t have.

Gluten can be found in foods, but it’s also in other items we could ingest or come in contact with.  So it’s important to pay attention to everything you purchase and read the labels on things you would put in your mouth or on your skin.

Here is a short list of some of the items you must read labels for each time you purchase.

1. Soups
Soups prepared by a restaurant or in a can could contain gluten. Oftentimes soup base is made from flour and unless you’re positive it’s a gluten-free soup, it’s not a good idea to even try eating it. The only way it’s sure to be safe is if you make it 100% yourself and from scratch.

2. Vegetables with cross-contamination
You’d think cooked vegetables would be safe, but that’s not the case when they’re made by someone else. Some butters contain gluten, so that’s the first thing to watch, but cross contamination can also occur if the vegetables are steamed in the same water or pan that was used for the pasta it would normally go on.

Cross contamination doesn’t affect everyone, but if it does you, it’s important to make sure the pan is thoroughly washed before the vegetables are cooked. Also, some waxes or resins applied to fruits and vegetables can contain gluten. 

3. French fries + Chips
Handmade potato chips or tortilla chips can also have cross contamination when cooked in a fryer that was used to cook breaded foods like fish or chicken. This happens a lot in restaurants because they don’t have the time or room to dedicate one fryer to gluten-free items only.

4. Meatballs + Patties
Meatloaf, burger patties or meatball are other foods that often contain hidden gluten. Most times this meal is prepared with crackers or breadcrumbs and those contain gluten. It’s best to make your own using a gluten-free alternative. My favorite is Paleo Powder AIP Coating Mix, and their AIP Seasoning Mix for that matter!

5. Supplements + Medications
Certain vitamins contain wheat and not many people think about looking at the label for gluten. You ingest these vitamins so it’s important to watch the label and only purchase ones that are gluten-free.

Medications are another area you must be careful with because there are some on the market that contain gluten. These could cause reactions or problems you may not associate with them.

6. Art supplies
Art supplies, including paints, clay, glue, and play dough can have gluten in them as well. Gluten can be absorbed through the skin, or transferred to the mouth if hands aren’t washed after touching. 

7. Makeup + Lotions
Makeup is another item you must look into when it comes to gluten. They may be natural, but may also contain wheat or other gluten ingredients. It’s best to read the label or contact the manufacturer just to be safe. There are a lot of great gluten free makeup products out there, but even companies like Beatycounter have gluten in some of their products. Contact the company for a list of gluten free products. 

As you can see, gluten is in a lot of the products we use on a daily basis. It may be hiding mixed in with other ingredients, or in the form of cross-contamination. This is why it’s important to read labels for all things you’d ingest or may come in contact with your skin. 


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